Facultative class 6 - land surveying and licensing  

Presentation of detailed rules of obtaining professional license in the scope of surveying and cartography in Poland resulting from the provisions of the act of 17 May 1989 – Surveying and cartographic law, and the currently binding regulation regarding professional license in the scope of surveying and cartography. Detailed presentation of the rules of documenting professional practice (running a professional practice log) and identification of minimum quantity and type of works necessary for recognising the practice as sufficient in particular scopes of license. Presentation of the rues of the qualification proceedings. Identification and classification of a set of legal and technical regulations the knowledge of which is necessary to obtain professional license in the scope of surveying and cartography, and familiarisation with selected examination subjects from selected aspects of the license (1 and 2). Presentation of the rules of running surveying and cartographic resources, including: rules of reporting surveying work, activities related to the service of the reported work in ODGiK (disclosing materials, verification, endorsing materials), activities of a surveyor in the scope of the procedure of performing the reported work. Presentation of the rules of performing works from selected assortments, i.e. staking out buildings, map for design purposes, post inventory of a building. Identification of legal regulations related to the performance of given work, and determination of the scope of activities to perform for particular units and entities participating in the implementation of the work, i.e. PODGiK and authorised surveyor.
Facultative class 6 - land surveying and licensing

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